Emergency Management

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has developed plans and structures to bring together government, voluntary, and private agencies in a coordinated way to deal with emergencies (major) and or incidents that occur in our community. These arrangements address the whole spectrum of emergency requirements from prevention, preparedness, response to recovery.

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is a Committee established under State Government emergency management policy specifically to be involved with the management of community and if required District related emergencies.

The LEMC has representatives from such organisations as the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Local Police, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, State Emergency Management Secretariat and Department for Child Protection and Family Support. The Committee meets on a regular basis to plan strategies to prevent emergencies from occurring and to be prepared when they do occur. Part of the preparation is the holding of emergency exercises to test the efficiency of the operational procedures of agencies responding to an emergency and to make improvements where necessary.

The LEMC conducts an approach to emergency management that is abbreviated to PPRR – Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.


Prevention activities eliminate or reduce the probability of the occurrence of a specific hazard. They also reduce the degree of damage likely to be incurred.

The City, in conjunction with the LEMC actively promotes measures to prevent or minimise the effects of emergencies within the municipality. These measures include the enforcement of Legislation and Local Laws relating to Town Planning, Building, Fire Control and Environmental Health.


Preparedness activities focus on essential emergency response capabilities through the development of plans, procedures, organisation/management of resources, training and public education.

The City and Statutory Authorities actively promote preparedness for emergency situations by:

  • Preparing Plans
  • Training emergency service personnel
  • Fostering volunteer emergency service groups
  • Fostering liaison and exercises between emergency services
  • Fostering public awareness programs

The addition of these Local Emergency Management Arrangements to the City’s website is one simple initiative to promote emergency Management details for the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community. One of the LEMC’s goals is to increase the awareness of these arrangements within our community. Look out for other initiatives or activities relating to emergency management here in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.


Response activities combat the effects of the event, provide emergency assistance for casualties, and help reduce further damage and help speed recovery operations.

The City will make its staff and resources available for response to emergency situations. The Local Community Emergency Management Arrangements details the general response by the City in support of the Statutory Authorities.


Recovery activities support emergency affected communities in the reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical well-being. During recovery operations, actions are taken to minimise the recurrence of the hazard and/or lessen the effects on the community.

In the event of a large scale emergency or disaster affecting the community, full resources of the City, in conjunction with other government departments, will be directed towards the rapid restoration of services and facilities. The City actively promotes disaster counselling and welfare services to those in need.

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Local Recovery Arrangements details the arrangements of the City in managing the recovery process following an emergency.

Quick Links

Local Emergency Management Arrangement

Local Recovery Plan