
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder has a long history of implementing water-conserving initiatives throughout the City.

Waterwise Town

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder was officially awarded Waterwise Council status on 28 July 2014. This accreditation is used by the Water Corporation and the Department of Water to recognise local governments that make significant reductions in water consumption and commit to continually monitor and improve water use behaviour. This is an ongoing process and will see the City’s water consumption reduce further over time.

Examples of water-saving initiatives already implemented by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder include:

  • Using treated effluent water to irrigate parks, reserves, gardens and the golf course
  • Implementing an efficient watering schedule for parks and reserves still using scheme water
  • Detected and fixed a number of significant leaks across the City
  • Waterless urinals installed at the Airport, Community Centre and Administration Building
  • Water-saving fittings installed on taps and showerheads at facilities across the City

The City is looking to implement future water-saving initiatives and aims to be a leader in sustainable water use.

Waterwise Treatment Plant

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder owns and operates the Wastewater Treatment Plant located in South Boulder. This facility collects all of the residential wastewater generated in the City and treats it to create a reusable product.

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Gold Waterwise Business - Goldfields Oasis Recreation Centre

The Water Corporation recognised Goldfields Oasis Recreation Centre as a Gold Waterwise Business in June 2019, for achieving a significant improvement in water use.

As water is core to the Goldfields Oasis business, using water wisely is a key focus. Water use is monitored daily with the installation of sub-meters enabling high water using areas to be monitored. This has led to the discovery of six significant water leaks. Without access to a bore, the centre relies on scheme water for irrigation, so a weather-based irrigation controller has been installed to ensure water is used only when it is needed. So far they have saved over 48,000kL.

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Regional Showerhead Swap

The shower alone accounts for approximately 22% of total household water use, and much of it is heated, so you are also consuming energy. The showerhead you use makes a significant difference, and switching to a waterwise showerhead could save you up to 20,000 litres of water per year.

The City has partnered with the Water Corporation as part of the Regional Showerhead Swap program.  Residence can get up to two old showerheads replaced for free with new water-efficient WELS 4-star rated models!

Bring your old showerhead(s) to The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder administration building, along with a copy of your most recent water bill or Water Corporation's waterwise letter, to receive your brand-new water efficient showerhead. This water-saving offer is valid until May 31, 2023.

Thousands of households have already made the switch, will yours be next?

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