About this funding opportunity
The Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund (LSP-CSF) is a funding opportunity established in July 2023 by the Australian Government. It aims to improve community services and address social issues in former Cashless Debit Card (CDC) locations, including Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Shires of Laverton, Leonora, Menzies and Coolgardie.
The Goldfields region has been allocated funding to be awarded to successful applicants that align their projects with the Goldfields Local Services Plan via the Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund which has been running since 2023 and will continue to 30 June 2026.
In September 2022 the Australian Government passed the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Repeal of Cashless Debit Card and Other Measures) Act 2022 to abolish the CDC program.
The Act required the Department of Social Services to prepare Local Services Plans for improving community services and addressing social issues in former CDC locations, including the Goldfields.
As a result, the LSP-CSF was created to allocate funding to local community organisations for projects which align with one or more priorities outlined in the Local Services Plan.
Grant details
In partnership with the Department of Social Services, the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is inviting applications for the second Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund grant round.
Funding is available for eligible grant activities including, but not limited to:
- The expansion of existing local services (e.g. wrap-around supports, emergency and/or financial relief)
- Delivery of necessary support services identified through actions in the Local Services Plan (e.g. emergency relief, and financial, literacy and gambling support)
- Administration costs, including reporting
- Projects must also align with item 510- Schedule 1AB to the Final Framework (Supplementary Powers) (FFSP) Regulations
Ineligible grant activities include the following:
- Projects that have already commenced or are completed
- Purchase of land
- Wages not related to the direct delivery of the funded activity
- Major capital expenditure
- Costs incurred in the preparation of a grant application or related documentation
- Subsidy of general ongoing administration of an organisation such as electricity, phone and rent
- Major construction / capital works
- Overseas travel; and
- Activities for which other Commonwealth, state, territory or local government bodies have primary responsibility
Purpose of the grant
- Provide short-term funding that meets the immediate needs identified in the Local Services Plan
- Supports the improvement of support services that align with community needs
Who can apply
Applications are open to service providers, organisations and stakeholders with activities located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Leonora, Laverton, Menzies, Kambalda and Coolgardie.
Key dates
- Applications are open
- All projects must be completed by 30 June 2026
- Applications can be submitted at anytime while this grant opportunity remains open.
How to submit
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the City’s Coordinator Strategic Grants and Administration, Damara Langenberg, prior to lodging an application. Damara will provide assistance and capacity-building support to maximise the potential of all applications.
For further support and general information, contact Damara Langenberg on 08 9021 9647 or Damara.Langenberg@ckb.wa.gov.au.
Approved Projects
The below projects and activities have been approved as part of this program.
Total Amount
Shire of Leonora
Leonora Safe House Project
Shire of Leonora
Leonora Youth Centre Revitalisation
Church of Christ Kalgoorlie
M25 Program
The Goldfields Indigenous Housing Organisation
Goldfields Support Hub
Shire of Menzies
Remote Gardening Workshop
Minesite Recycling Pty Ltd
Shredder Project
Centrecare Incorporated
Men's Behaviour Change and Youth Intervention Project
Breaking the Silence Limited (DVassist)
Family and Domestic Violence Community Education Program
The Goldfields Indigenous Housing Organisation
Ngayuku Youth Camp
Shire of Menzies
Digital Newspapers in Menzies
Stephen Michael Foundation Ltd
Northern Goldfields Youth Connection Project
Ngunytju Tjitji Pirni Aboriginal Corporation
Project Activation Officer
Western Urban Associates WA Incorporated
Kalgoorlie Street Chaplains
Quick links
Application Process
Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund - Applicant Guide
Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund - Proposal Creation Checklist
Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund - Proposal to Spend Monies
510 - Schedule 1AB to the Final Framework (Supplementary Powers) (FFSP) Regulations
Goldfields Local Services Plan
Posted 01 August 2023
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, on behalf of the Department of Social Services, Announces Funding Opportunity for Community-led Initiatives in Goldfields Region
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, in partnership with the Department of Social Services, invites applications for funding to areas of the Goldfields region as part of the 2023/24 Local Services Plans - Community-led Support Fund (LSP-CSF).