Growing Kalgoorlie-Boulder
The Growing Kalgoorlie-Boulder Growth Plan was launched in April 2017 in partnership with the Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission (GEDC), State Government agencies, Regional Development Australia Goldfields Esperance (RDAGE), local business, Aboriginal stakeholder groups, industry associations and the community. After an 18-month consultation and development period the City has developed comprehensive strategic economic and social development plans with the objectives of;
- Strengthening the City’s capacity to drive long term investment, business and employment growth.
- Delivering population growth that is generated by sustainable economic growth.
- Supporting the efficient and effective delivery of development effort and investment.
The Growth Plan was built on three strategic themes:

In order to achieve our three Strategic Themes, seven Priority Focus Areas were established following extensive research analysis and engagement with Kalgoorlie-Boulder stakeholders.

To find the full Growth Plan, please see the quick links section of this page.
Stakeholder Engagement
The strategic themes, key enablers and priority focus areas evolved during the project. Aided by the findings of key consultancies and outcomes from stakeholder engagement activities, the outcomes were progressively endorsed as the strategic framework for Growing Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
More than 300 initiatives and proposals were identified either through direct stakeholder engagement activities like Futures Forum and Ideas Factory, or through research and consultation by the Lead and Specialist Consultants. These Initiatives were prioritised using multi-criteria analysis of their potential for long term positive economic impacts and their alignment with the objectives. In many cases a number of related Initiatives and recommendations from consultants were grouped together to ensure the implementation of a manageable framework. 19 key actions and 150 initiatives emerged from this process. These were aligned with the 7 focus areas detailed in the Growing Kalgoorlie-Boulder Strategic Overview.
Implementation and Governance
Prior to the project launch a governance group was established called the Growing Kalgoorlie-Boulder Partnership (GKBP). Representing the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, GEDC, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KBCCI), Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME), RDAGE and two rotating members from stakeholder groups, the GKBP provides overarching governance for the implementation of initiatives.
Seven stakeholder groups were established, one for each focus area, to advise and support the GKBP with implementation of the plan. The groups comprised of local people skilled and knowledgeable in focus areas of the plan. The City and GEDC also formed a working group to support the implementation of the plan and the operation of governance and stakeholder groups.

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