Contact Us

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. For location details, follow the link to our Customer Service Centres.

You can contact the City via phone, email, using the customer enquiry form below, or report an issue with the Snap, Send, Solve app.

Our contact details are:

Contact details
Phone 9021 9600
Postal Address PO Box 2042, Boulder, WA 6432
Administration Building 577 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie

For City emergencies during after-hours, please phone 9021 9600 and follow the prompts. This can include:

  • Environmental Health matters - noise and food complaints
  • Rangers - dog attack in progress or an injured animal
  • Sewerage blockages or waste and rubbish tip enquiries
  • Problems relating to parks, ovals, roads or drainage.

For Safer Streets Patrol please contact (08) 9021 0930

For all other emergencies, please refer to the Central and Eastern White Pages to contact the appropriate authority.

Contact us using the customer enquiry form

Please use the form below to contact us and make non-emergency enquiries and service requests. You must complete all fields to be able to submit the form. 

If you have had a poor experience, or believe we can do things better, please let us know by submitting a Customer Complaint Form and referring to our Complaints Handling policy.

We are committed to providing excellent service view our service standards in our Customer Service Charter here. 

Report an issue with Snap, Send, Solve

Snap Send Solve is a free app that allows you to report issues to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

You can use the app to send a photo of an issue or incident and choose from a range of popular options including; General enquiry, Graffiti, Litter, Parking, Pavement, Road, Street cleaning and Trees. These are sent to the City as a service request through our email system and are then processed like any other request.

Download the free app today and give it a try!

 Description of image  

Customer Enquiry Form

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