Published on Friday, 29 September 2023 at 11:08:16 AM
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Mayor John Bowler has encouraged the uptake of the City’s Adopt a Tree Program, saying last week’s storm demonstrated the reason why the City should continue with its street tree planting program.
More than 300 trees were uprooted across the city in the storm, and many more had branches torn from them.
Mayor Bowler said when he became Mayor eight years ago the street tree program had ceased because of vandalism to young plantings, however since then, Council has reintroduced an annual tree planting program, which currently stands at an average of 1,200 trees planted each year.
“With the damage caused by storms such as last weeks, the natural death of trees or vehicles backing over them, even with our program, it is difficult keeping up with the loss of our wonderful verge trees,” said Mayor Bowler.
“We should never give in to vandals by stopping our annual program, and while 1,200 trees sounds like a lot, there are so many areas of the city that need this program to continue for many years to come.”
The Mayor says he hopes the new incoming council maintains or even increases the annual street planting program, because it takes many years to see the fruition of the plantings, so Councillors have to have a long-term view and patience when embarking on a plan for planting street trees.
“Many of the young trees come from the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Urban Landcare Group, who do a wonderful job in cultivating a variety of trees and plants native to the Goldfields.”
“It is also nice to sometimes have other trees beautify our city such as the avenue of Jacarandas which are located in front of the school of mines.”
“Our forefathers had shown a lot of vision a century ago when they embarked on street tree planting programs, and we must never lapse because as demonstrated by last week we are always losing street trees, and some take decades to reach maturity.”
The City spends $96,000 a year on street tree planting, in addition to the maintenance and presentation of public areas, parks, and reserves.
“As well as planting the trees, our outside staff do an excellent job in looking after them and watering them when there is a dry period,” said Mayor Bowler.
As part of the free Adopt a Tree Program, residents can request a new tree to be planted on the verge of their residence. They’re asked to keep an eye on it, water it if needed, and clear it of rubbish and debris. The city will also continue to provide support such as fertilizing as the tree grows and is established.
Street trees have proven benefits in addition to beautifying the presentation of the city, including cooler streets, more bird and insect life, slowed down stormwater runoff, improved air quality, noise reduction, and privacy.
To express an interest, residents can submit a form on the City’s website, call 9021 9600, or visit the City’s Administration Building. More information about the program can be found on the City’s website.
Adopt A Tree Program
Approximately 800 trees were planted in 2023, and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is calling on residents, businesses and community groups to work in partnership to assist in the establishment of newly planted trees and to care for existing trees within our streetscapes with the Adopt A Tree Program.
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