Online Form - Audit and Risk Committee Independent Member - Expression of Interest

Please complete the following (tick as many as are applicable):

I have expertise in financial management
I have expertise in risk
I have experience in local government financial management and reporting
I have experience in public sector management
I have experience in corporate management
I have qualifications in Business
I have qualifications in Commerce
I have qualifications in Law
I have qualifications in Risk Management
I am an Accountant in Public Practice
I am an Accountant in Auditing
I am actively involved in community, environmental or civic activities in Kalgoorlie-Boulder
I am free from any management, business or other relationship that could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with my ability to act in the best interests of Council. (NB Committee members are required to not have any conflicts of interest that would preclude them from being members of the Committee.)
I have read and understood the responsibilities outlined in the Audit and Risk Terms of Reference (as currently adopted).
I have read and understood my responsibilities and obligations outlined in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s Code of Conduct for Councillors, Committee Members and Candidates.

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