Disposal of Property - Egan Street

Published on Monday, 30 August 2021 at 10:12:00 AM

The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995, hereby advises that it proposes to dispose of property 146 Egan Street for the value of $900,000 (excluding GST) to Big Sky Developments. The estimated market value of the properties as determined by a market review is listed below.
Submissions must be lodged in writing by 5:00pm Monday, 11 October 2021 and be clearly marked with ‘Big Sky Developments Land Disposal Submission’.

Lots 15, 16 & 451 Egan Street, Kalgoorlie 6430 $900,000

$900,000 (GST status to be confirmed)

For further information, please email Director Economy and Growth, Alex Wiese, at alex.wiese@ckb.wa.gov.au.
Submissions can be emailed to mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au or posted to PO Box 2042, Boulder WA 6432.
Acting Chief Executive Officer