Draft Planning Policies available for Inspection and Comment

Published on Saturday, 14 October 2023 at 6:00:00 AM

At the 28 August 2023 Meeting, Council adopted to endorse the advertising of draft planning policies associated with proposed Local Planning Scheme2 for consultation. The draft polices, and their purpose and intent, are listed below.

Draft Local Planning Policy 1 — Workforce Accommodation
This policy guides the assessment and decision-making on development applications for workforce accommodation. The policy aims to ensure that developments integrate well with surrounding areas, contribute to the amenity of the locality, and define the time limits for approvals to support permanent housing.

Draft Local Planning Policy 2 — Advertising Planning Proposals
This policy guides the advertising of planning proposals including the length of advertising, and the method and manner that each planning proposal is advertised. The policy aims to ensure that affected landowners, residents, businesses and community groups are provided with the opportunity to provide feedback.

Draft Local Planning Policy 3 — Outbuildings in Residential and Rural Zones
This policy provides for local variations to the provisions of the R-Codes and establishes zone standards for outbuildings. The policy aims to ensure the design of outbuildings within the City limits reflects the character and needs within Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Draft Local Planning Policy 4 - Sea-Containers in Residential Areas
This policy provides guidance on the number of permitted containers, and their placement, visual appearance, use and size. The policy aims to ensure that the level of amenity within the site and surrounding areas is maintained.

Draft Local Planning Policy 5 - Repurposed Dwellings in Residential Areas
This policy controls the standard of repurposed dwellings that are established in residential areas. The policy aims to ensure that repurposed dwellings have a high level of amenity that is consistent with the character and amenity of the receiving area.

Draft Local Planning Policy 6 - Home Based Businesses and Family Day Care
This policy provides guidance on, and establishes a consistent approach to, the assessment of proposed home-based business developments and family day care centres. This policy ensures that the development and operation of home-based businesses and day care centres have acceptable impacts on the amenity of surrounding areas.

Draft Planning Policy 7 - Local Heritage Fund
This policy guides the administration of the City’s local heritage fund that assists owners with the conservation and continued use of heritage buildings in line with current best practice. The policy provides clarity on the application of the local heritage fund and increases funding levels based on the heritage significance of the building.

Draft Planning Policy 8 - Residential Design Codes Variations
This policy provides guidance on variations to planning controls outlined in the Residential Design Codesto additional or modified ‘deemed to comply’ criteria. The policy allows for changes to carport setbacks and courtyard patio requirements where the proposed development reflects the character of the surrounding area.

Draft Local Planning Policy 9 — Signage
This policy provides guidance on the approval process for advertising signs to ensure signs do not adversely impact on the amenity of the streetscape. The policy provides clear direction on types of signs permitted and associated development provisions including scale, dimensions, and site setbacks.

Draft Local Planning Policy 10 — Landscaping
This policy provides guidance on the minimum standards and requirements for the provision of landscaping associated with a development. The policy ensures that landscaping associated with developments will be attractive, functional, safe, and dry climate tolerant, and contribute to the amenity of the area and City.

Draft Local Planning Policy 11 — Parking
This policy guides the provision of parking associated with new developments, including options for reciprocal, combined, and shared parking arrangements. The policy provides options for financial contributions and other arrangements in lieu of parking for developments.

Draft Local Planning Policy 12 — Waiver Planning Fees
This policy clarifies the circumstances in which the City can waive planning fees, including applications for works to heritage buildings, and fee waivers for applications by not-for-profit organisations. The policy also guides the refund of fees (in part or in full) when an application is withdrawn prior to determination of the application.

A copy of the draft revised policies is available from the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Administration Offices at 577 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, between the hours of 8.30 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Note that the City has extended the period for consultation for a further 21 days, with the period for submissions closing at 4.30 pm on 6 November 2023. The policies are also available on the City’s website at Your Say.

Written submissions in respect of the proposed policies may be lodged with the City prior to 4:30 pm, 6 November 2023. Submissions should be marked ‘Draft Planning Policies’ and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, PO 2042, Boulder WA 6432 or emailed to mailbag@ckb.wa.gov.au or made at Your Say.


Your Say Submissions Here