Intent to Sell Land - Lot 3 Goldfields Highway, Yilkari
Published on Saturday, 24 June 2023 at 6:00:00 AM
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995, hereby advises that it proposes their intent to sell Lot 3 Goldfields Highway Yilkari, to Bellini Group (WA) Pty Ltd for the consideration of Two Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand ($255,000) Excl GST. The value of the land has been determined by Independent Market Valuation.
Submissions must be lodged in writing by 5:00pm (WST) Monday 10th July 2023 and be clearly endorsed with Bellini Group (WA) Pty Ltd Submission.
Submissions can be emailed to
or posted to PO Box 2042, Boulder WA 6432.
For further information, please contact
Direct of Corporate and Commercial, Xandra Curnock,
Chief Executive Officer